Bridge the Franchise Growth Gap!
The challenge for every emerging franchisor is to navigate and bridge the franchise growth gap. To go from emerging franchise brand to thriving franchise system and to do it effectively, while avoiding capital burning missteps, compliance mistakes, and ineffective franchise sales strategies and practices that lead to lost opportunity. To do this you need to build, own, and control your development assets, strategy, and compliance!

Our GoodGrowth membership accelerator is where it all starts. This accelerator membership service includes monthly coaching, quarterly workshops, peer group masterminds, and on-going support to help you close deals. Additional benefits include our GoodFit opportunity profile listing, hot seats, available done for you development services, discounted supplier network, and more!

GoodGrowth Framework
GoodGrowth accelerator membership coaching is built around quarterly development tasks and goals that, over time, will help you build, own, control, deploy, and re-deploy critical growth assets! Combined with our monthly coaching and on-going support, each quarterly workshop and mastermind is driven toward achieving accelerator tasks and goals that will improve and amplify your sales, development, and compliance assets. Together, we'll create valuable momentum while helping you discover and cover your blindspots.
Assessing and Improving Your Franchise Development Assets
Quarterly Focus 1 workshop and coaching is all about assessing and building a road map for improving your core franchise development assets including your FDD, franchising KPI's, Item 19, franchise sales website, and franchise sales discovery process. We'll be working together to assess these core assets, identify your strengths and weaknesses, develop an action plan for improvement over the next three quarters.
Enhancing the Franchise Journey and Your Discovery Proces
Quarterly Focus 2 workshop and coaching is driven toward mapping the franchisee journey, measuring validation, setting unit economic expectation, setting unit economic expectations, understanding franchise compliance, and building franchisee compliance systems.
Growth Accelerators that Create Asymmetrical Advantages
Quarterly Focus 3 workshop and coaching is about Brand Story development, enhancing your website, media, and discovery process, building your sales funnels, franchise sales budgeting, evaluating team members and roles, and evaluating franchise suppliers.
Strategy, Backcasting, and Planning for Next GrowthCoach Cycle
Quarterly Focus 4 workshop includes evaluating results and development KPIs, identifying F1, F2, and F3 accomplishments and open tasks, backcasting success signposts for next 12 month cycle, and building growth strategy.

PeerGroup Focus
Participate and work with other emerging brands in a closed door mastermind. Each virtual quarterly mastermind meeting is focused on GoodGrowth framework workshop topics and will help you pull everything together, share best practices, and participate in an environment that promotes accountability and a rising tide. Mastermind groups are facilitated by a leadership team member and each group is built around your franchise growth level.
Level 1 Coaching is for new franchisors and emerging franchisors with less than 20 franchisees. Level 1 is for franchisors that are focused on building a better base, attending to the fundamentals, and finding their franchise brand positioning and footing.
Level 2 coaching is for emerging franchisors with between 20 to 50 franchisees. Level 2 is for franchisors that are focused on building on a solid foundation with an increased focus on franchisee compliance, franchisee unit economics, streamlining compliance, and upgrading Brand Story and media with a sharper focus on existing franchisee experiences.
Level 3 coaching is for emerging and established franchise brands with 50+ franchisees and a solid leadership team. Level 3 is for franchisors that are focused on potential equity transactions, accelerating franchise sales, and improving system-wide unit economics.

Benefits and Pricing
The GoodGrowth Accelerator is for franchise founders and leadership teams ready to roll-up their sleeves, dive into their brand assets, commit to building scalable franchise growth assets, and work toward creating transformation. Membership is subject to application, review process, and industry limitations.
- Membership Fee - $1,500 per month for Level 1 franchisors and $2,500 for Level 2 franchisors. Level 3 pricing provided upon request.
- 100% Satisfaction - Although we may offer discounts for pre-paid annual memberships, if you are approved for membership there are no long-term contracts and you can cancel membership at any time. Likewise, if we believe that you may not be a great fit we reserve the right to discontinue membership.
- On-Boarding Assessment Meeting - Initial virtual on-boarding and strategy session focused on understanding your growth goals, baselining your franchise development assets including you offering structure, Item 19, website, and franchise sales materials.
- Quarterly GoodGrowth Workshops - On a quarterly basis and in a group setting with other GoodGrowth Accelerator Brands, we'll kick-off each quarter with a foundational workshop. Starting with your brand assets and ending with strategy and planning, each quarter we'll focus on concrete tasks and goals.
- Monthly Coaching - Monthly and, on a one-on-one basis, we'll meet to discuss implementation of your quarterly goals and provide strategy and insights as to implementation.
- Compliance Training Session - On an annual basis (once per year and approximately 2 hours) we'll conduct a formal and comprehensive compliance training session specific to your team and their questions.
- Administrative Support and Questions - On an on-going basis our team is available to answer non-legal compliance and support questions.
- Masterclass Access - On-going access to our immersive MasterClasses including our Building Your BrandStory MasterClass and, more to come...
- GoodSpark Featured Brand Listing - As the GoodSpark Accelerator continues to spin and gain more and more traction in the franchise universe, GoodSpark brands will be recognized as innovative emerging franchise brands and, potentially, great franchise investments. Upon completion of Quarterly Frameworks 1 (Development Assets) and 2 (Franchisee Journey) you will qualify for a GoodSpark GoodBrands profile listing.
- FranCamp - Included one FranCamp event for up to 3 team members.
- Annual Hot Seat Event - Participate in our Hot Seat Events and present your brand to featured guests, brokers, and GoodSpark community
- Supplier Discounts and Available Done for You Services - For GoodSpark approved suppliers we will be requesting that members be provided with discounted fees and more favorable contract terms.
All meetings and events are virtual with an annual conference to be announced soon...
Be on the look out for added benefits and advantages on their way!